Friday Afternoons Logo - coloured dots below those wods

We are delighted to announce an exciting new partnership with Snape Maltings (formerly Aldeburgh Music).

Their Friday Afternoons project encourages children and young people to sing. Since 2013, there have been more than 80,000 participants, from all around the world. New songs are commissioned annually, with the most recent compositions from Jonathan Dove, creating a song bank of repertoire for children and young people’s voices.

To add to their inclusive resources, Friday Afternoons has asked us to produce Figurenotes scores for some of the newest songs. Five of Jonathan Dove’s songs are now available in Figurenotes. Both stage 1 and stage 3 are available to download free from the Song Bank, allowing your pupils to progress towards reading standard notation.

If you’re heading to the Music Education Expo on Friday 10th February, make sure you visit the Friday Afternoon stall (M1) at 3pm for the launch.

The resources make reading music more intuitive, particularly when it comes to rhythm. Figurenotes is ideal for class teachers who want to get their whole class singing and playing together, whilst letting students progress through their reading at their own pace. The system is truly inclusive, so those with ASN/SEND can access the same resources as the rest of the class, removing those barriers that can exclude some pupils. Get your whole class started on Figurenotes and let each pupil move onto the next stage when they are ready.

To find out more about extra resources and training, sign up to the Figurenotes mailing list. Like us on Facebook and Twitter.

To learn more about Friday Afternoons, take a look at their Facebook and Twitter.

If you want to improve the delivery of your sessions, making music truly inclusive, come to our Music Teacher’s Toolbox for excellent training. Our award-winning CPD is delivered by Drake Music Scotland on 25th March, 2017. See the full programme here.


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